In the first three decades of the eighteenth century the lute was still a much loved and widespread instrument in the main European courts. That Weiss was the most gener-ously paid instrumentalist at the Hofkapelle in Dresden,

Merian, Dresden1 in 1650

 a center coveted by almost all musicians of the time, makes us understand how much esteem he enjoyed among his contemporaries. We find evidence of the refinement and instrumental mastery that made him famous in his vast work, in which the inex-haustible and multiform resources of the lute are incessantly enhanced by the com-poser's instrumental mastery.


 Elena Somare baroccoRecital Sylvius Leopold Weiss
Evangelina Mascardi
baroque lute 13 course by Cezar Mateus, New Jersey 2007

Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750)

Fantasia, Aria and Passacaglia

Sonata in la minor
Allemande andante, Courante, Bourée, Sarabanda, Menuet,  Presto

Tombeau sur la mort du Mr Logy

Preludio, Fuga e Ciaccona in E flat major

(60' without intermission)






© Elena Somarè, 2020

Bach Weiss copertina webref. CD ORF Alte Musik 2003 and 2009


to critics